0W-16 Signature Series 100% Synthetic Motor Oil (AZS)
 SAE 0W-16 Signature Series 100% Synthetic Motor Oil (AZS)

The Top Tier of AMSOIL Synthetic Motor Oil. AMSOIL Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil delivers extraordinary lubrication in all types of automotive gasoline engines. Engineered for enthusiasts seeking maximum protection and performance. Precision-formulated with cutting-edge technology and a longstanding devotion to making the world's best motor oil. The result: engine protection that blows the doors off the highest industry standards.

Package sizes include:

Quart Bottle

Product Code: AZS • Brand: AMSOIL

MSDS Data Sheet

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Product Applications
AMSOIL Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil is excellent for use in all types of gasoline-fueled vehicles. It is recommended for all domestic and foreign vehicles requiring any of the listed performance specifications:

Product Application Specs

• API SP (Resource Conserving), SN Plus, SN...;

Product Description
A New Level of Motor Oil Technology

• 75% more engine protection against horsepower loss and wear.1
• 50% more cleaning power vs. AMSOIL OE Motor Oil
• Protects turbochargers 72% better than required2 by the GM dexos1 Gen 2 specification.
• 28% more acid-neutralizing power than Mobil 1.3
• Trusted by professional engine builders
• Guaranteed protection for up to 25,000 miles or 1 year

1 Based on independent testing of AMSOIL Signature Series 0W-20 using the ASTM D6891 standard test.
2 Based on independent testing of AMSOIL Signature Series 5W-30 in the GM turbo coking test.
3 Based upon independent testing of Mobil 1 Annual Protection Full Synthetic 5W-30 and AMSOIL Signature Series 5W-30 in ASTM D2896. Oils purchased in July 2020.

AMSOIL Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil delivers extraordinary lubrication in all types of automotive gasoline engines. By combining industry-premier synthetic technology with AMSOIL premium additives, Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil exceeds the higher performance demands of modern engines. It withstands the stress of higher horsepower, higher heat and complicated emissions control systems. Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil is engineered to outperform competitive conventional and synthetic motor oils. It delivers long-lasting performance and protection.

Fights Engine Wear
• 75 percent more engine protection against horsepower loss and wear1 than required by the industry standard, extending the life of vital components like pistons and cams.
• Develops a strong fluid film that keeps metal surfaces separated.
• Robust anti-wear additives further reduce wear in metal-to-metal contact regions for maximum engine life.

1Based on independent testing of AMSOIL Signature Series 0W-20, in ASTM D6891 as required by the API SN specification.

sequence 4A engine test

Signature Series Protects Against LSPI
LSPI is the spontaneous ignition of the fuel/air mixture prior to spark-triggered ignition. It occurs in today's advanced engines and is much more destructive than typical pre-ignition.

Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) like GM* have addressed the issue by designing tests to determine a motor oil's ability to prevent LSPI. The GM test allows up to five LSPI events to receive a passing score. Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil provided 100 percent protection against LSPI* - zero occurrences were recorded.

AMSOIL Synthetic Motor Oils achieved 100% protection against LSPI.B

LSPI piston damage when competitors motor oil is used

Example of piston damage due to an LSPI event observed during the testing of a competitor’s motor oil. The red arrows indicate sections of the ring land that have broken away from the piston.

BBased on zero LSPI events in five consecutive tests of AMSOIL Signature Series, XL and OE 5W-30 Motor Oil in the LSPI engine test required by the GM dexos1 Gen 2 specification.

Signature Series Guards Turbos
Protects turbochargers 72% better than requiredC by the GM dexos1* Gen 2 specification.

We challenged Signature Series to the GM Turbo Coking Test, which consists of 2000 cycles of extreme heat soaks. An oil must limit the temperature change within the turbocharger to 13 percent or less to pass the test. Signature Series limited the temperature increase to only 3.6 percent, protecting the turbocharger 72 percent better than required* by the GM dexos1® Gen 2 specification.

amsoil turbo bearing shaft protection
CBased on independent testing of AMSOIL Signature Series 5W-30 in the GM turbo coking test.

Signature Series Delivers Powerful Protection
AMSOIL delivers powerful protection. How good is it? An independent lab compared AMSOIL synthetic motor oil head-to-head against a leading competitor in a 100,000-mile test.P AMSOIL provided far superior wear protection and kept bearings looking like new.

bearing protection test teardown
PTesting conducted in an independent lab using AMSOIL Signature Series 5W-30 Synthetic Motor Oil and a leading synthetic-blend 5W-30 motor oil in Ford F-150 trucks with 3.5L twin-turbo engines.

Keeps Pistons Cleaner
Even after doubling the length of the industry-standard test, AMSOIL delivered 40% cleaner pistons than required by the standard.FF

Keeps Pistons Cleaner
FFBased on independent testing of AMSOIL Signature Series 5W-30 in the Sequence IIIH Engine Test (ASTM D8111), required by the ILSAC GF-6 and API SP specifications.

Signature Series Helps Keep Engines Cleaner
• Fortified with a heavy treatment of detergent additives, delivering 28% more acid-neutralizing power than Mobil 1* and helping engines stay cleaner, longer.LL
• 50% more detergentsD to help keep oil passages clean and promote oil circulation.
• Controls heat and minimizes performance-robbing deposits.
• Superior thermal durability that resists breakdown and keeps pistons clean.
• Provides 90% better protection against sludge.DD

keeps engines cleaner

The oil pick-up tube screen is virtually free of sludge.

LLBased upon independent testing of Mobil 1 Annual Protection Full Synthetic 5W-30 and AMSOIL Signature Series 5W-30 in ASTM D2896. Oils purchased July 2020.
Dvs. AMSOIL OE Motor Oil
DDBased on independent testing of AMSOIL Signature Series 5W-30 in the ASTM D6593 engine test for oil screen plugging as required by the API SN specification.

Signature Series Improves Startup Protection
Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil does not contain paraffins (wax) and stays fluid in temperatures of -58°F and lower. Extreme cold causes other motor oils to thicken, starving vital moving parts of lubrication, accelerating wear and even preventing vehicles from starting.

AMSOIL provides better cold cranking viscosity, helping improve wear protection for engine components at startup.PP

cold crank test result astm-d5293
  AMSOIL Signature Series(5W-30) Royal Purple High Performance (5W-30) Lucas (5W-30) Driven LS30 (5W-30) Red Line High Performance (5W-30) Royal Purple HPS (5W-30)
Cranking Viscosity (MPa.S) 3800 4500 5000 5750 6100 6100

PPBased on independent third-party testing in the industry-standard ASTM D5293 Cold Crank Simulator test as required by SAE J300.
*Trademark names and images are the property of their respective owners and may be registered marks in some countries. No affiliation or endorsement claim, express or implied, is made by their use.

Signature Series Resists Viscosity Increase
Signature Series is barely challenged by the industry-standard testing, demonstrating only a 0.1% viscosity increase. Even when the test length is doubled, AMSOIL delivered twice the viscosity control required by the standard.GG

sequence III-H test results
  Industry Standard AMSOIL 1X AMSOIL 2X
Viscosity Increase % 100% 0.1% 49.6%

GGBased on independent testing of AMSOIL Signature Series 5W-30 in the Sequence IIIH Engine Test (ASTM D8111), required by the ILSAC GF-6 and API SP specifications.

Normal Service: Up to 25,000 miles (40,200 km), 700 hours of operation or one year, whichever comes first, in personal vehicles not operat-ing under severe service.

Severe Service: Up to 15,000 miles (24,140 km), 700 hours of operation or one year, whichever comes first. Severe service conditions include commercial or fleet vehicles; excessive idling; or frequenttowing, hauling, plowing or driving in dusty conditions.
• Modified engines (non-stock), racing vehicles and vehicles using alternative fuels (E85, CNG, propane, etc.) are excluded from extended drain interval recommendations.
• Change at the vehicle manufacturer’s recommended drain interval outside U.S. and Canada.
• AMSOIL Ea® Full-Flow Oil Filters are designed for extended drain intervals. Do not exceed 12,000 miles (19,312 km) or one year with other brand filters unless longer intervals are recommended by the vehicle manufacturer. Always change filter when changing oil.
• Check oil regularly to maintain proper fill levels.

AMSOIL Ea Full-Flow Oil Filters stop smaller particles, flow more oil and last longer than regular filters. For best performance, use AMSOIL Ea Full-Flow Oil Filters.


AMSOIL Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil is compatiblewith other conventional and synthetic motor oils. Mixing other oils with AMSOIL motor oils, however, will shorten the oil’s life expectancy and reduce its performance benefits. AMSOIL does not support extended drain intervals where oils have been mixed.

Aftermarket oil additives are not recommended for use with AMSOIL synthetic motor oils.

This product is not expected to cause health concerns when used for the intended application and according to the recommendations in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).

Click here to view the MSDS Data Sheet for AMSOIL AZS.

Keep out of the reach of children. Don't pollute. Return used oil to collection centers.

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Motor Oil
Gasoline Engine Oils
0W-16 OE Series Synthetic Motor Oil (OES)0W-16 Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil (AZS)0W-16 100% Synthetic Hybrid Motor Oil (HE016)0W-20 Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil (ASM)0W-20 Extended Life Synthetic Motor Oil (XLZ)0W-20 OE Series Synthetic Motor Oil (OEZ)0W-20 LS European Motor Oil (AFE)0W-20 LS-VW European Motor Oil (EZT)0W-20 100% Synthetic High-Mileage Oil (HM020)0W-20 100% Synthetic Hybrid Motor Oil (HE020)0W-20 Synthetic-Blend Motor Oil (SB020)0W-30 MS European Motor Oil (EOT)0W-30 Signature Series (AZO)0W-40 Signature Series Motor Oil (AZF)0W-40 FS European Motor Oil (EFO)0W-40 OE Series Synthetic Motor Oil (OEG)5W-20 Extended Life Synthetic Motor Oil (XLM)5W-20 OE Series Synthetic Motor Oil (OEM)5W-20 Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil (ALM)5W-20 100% Synthetic High-Mileage Oil (HM520)5W-20 Synthetic-Blend Motor Oil (SB520)5W-30 Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil (ASL)5W-30 Extended Life Synthetic Motor Oil (XLF)5W-30 LS European Motor Oil (AEL)5W-30 OE Series Synthetic Motor Oil (OEF)5W-30 100% Synthetic High-Mileage Oil (HM530)5W-30 Synthetic-Blend Motor Oil (SB530)5W-40 MS European Motor Oil (AFL)5W-40 FS European Motor Oil (EFM)5W-50 Signature Series Motor Oil (AMR)10W-30 Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil (ATM)10W-30 Extended Life Synthetic Motor Oil (XLT)10W-30 OE Series Synthetic Motor Oil (OET)10W-30 100% Synthetic High-Mileage Oil (HM1030)10W-40 Extended Life Synthetic Motor Oil (XLO)10W-40 Premium Protection Motor Oil (AMO)10W-60 FS European Motor Oil (ETS)20W-50 Premium Protection Motor Oil (ARO)
Diesel Engine Oils
0W-20 LS European Motor Oil (AFE)0W-20 LS-VW European Motor Oil (EZT)0W-20 Synthetic Diesel Oil (DP020)0W-30 MS European Motor Oil (EOT)0W40 Signature Series CK-4 Diesel Oil (DZF)0W-40 FS European Motor Oil (EFO)5W-30 LS European Motor Oil (AEL)5W30 Signature Series CK-4 Diesel Oil (DHD)5W-30 Synthetic Diesel Oil (DP530)5W-40 MS European Motor Oil (AFL)5W40 Signature Series CK-4 Diesel Oil (DEO)5W40 Heavy-Duty CK-4 Diesel Oil (ADO)5W-40 FS European Motor Oil (EFM)10W30 Heavy-Duty CK-4 Diesel Oil (ADN)10W30 Signature Series Diesel Oil (DTT)10W30 Commercial Grade Diesel Oil (SBDT)10W-40 Premium Protection Motor Oil (AMO)10W-60 FS European Motor Oil (ETS)15W-40 Heavy-Duty Diesel & Marine (AME)15W40 Heavy-Duty CK-4 Diesel Oil (ADP)15W40 Signature Series CK-4 Diesel Oil (DME)15W40 Commercial Grade Diesel Oil (SBDF)20W-50 Premium Protection Motor Oil (ARO)20W-50 DOMINATOR Competition Diesel Oil (DCO)
Motorcycle & Scooter Oils
V-Twin Oil Change Kit (HDCK)SAE 60 Motorcycle Oil (MCS)Engine Assembly Lube (EAL)V-Twin Synthetic Primary Fluid (MVP)V-Twin Synthetic Transmission Fluid (MVT)V-Twin Oil Change Kit (HDBK)V-Twin Oil Change Kit (HDMC)V-Twin Oil Change Kit (HDMB)5W-40 Synthetic Metric Motorcycle Oil (MMF)10W-30 Synthetic Metric Motorcycle Oil (MCT)10W-40 Synthetic Metric Motorcycle Oil (MCF)10W-40 Formula 4 Stroke® Synthetic Scooter Oil (ASO)10W-40 Dirt Bike Oil (DB40)10W-50 Dirt Bike Oil (DB50)10W-60 Dirt Bike Oil (DB60)15W-50 Synthetic Metric Motorcycle Oil (MFF)15W-60 Synthetic V-Twin Motorcycle Oil (MSV)20W-40 Synthetic V-Twin Motorcycle Oil (MVI)20W-50 Synthetic V-Twin Motorcycle Oil (MCV)
Marine Motor Oil
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Racing & High Performance
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Classic & High Performance
SAE 30 Break-In Oil (BRK)Engine Assembly Lube (EAL)10W-30 Z-ROD Synthetic Motor Oil (ZRT)10W-40 Premium Protection Motor Oil (AMO)10W-40 Z-ROD Synthetic Motor Oil (ZRD)20W-50 Premium Protection Motor Oil (ARO)20W-50 Z-ROD Synthetic Motor Oil (ZRF)
European Motor Oils
0W-20 LS European Motor Oil (AFE)0W-20 LS-VW European Motor Oil (EZT)0W-30 MS European Motor Oil (EOT)0W-40 FS European Motor Oil (EFO)5W-30 LS European Motor Oil (AEL)5W-40 MS European Motor Oil (AFL)5W-40 FS European Motor Oil (EFM)10W-60 FS European Motor Oil (ETS)
High-Mileage Motor Oil
0W-20 100% Synthetic High-Mileage Oil (HM020)5W-20 100% Synthetic High-Mileage Oil (HM520)5W-30 100% Synthetic High-Mileage Oil (HM530)10W-30 100% Synthetic High-Mileage Oil (HM1030)
Hybrid Motor Oil
0W-16 100% Synthetic Hybrid Motor Oil (HE016)0W-20 100% Synthetic Hybrid Motor Oil (HE020)
4-Stroke & Small Engine Oils
Briggs & Stratton Synthetic 4T Racing Oil (GBS2960)0W-40 Formula 4-Stroke® PowerSports Synthetic Motor Oil (AFF)5W-30 Synthetic Small Engine Oil (AES)10W-30 Formula 4-Stroke® Marine Synthetic Motor Oil (WCT)10W-30 Synthetic Small Engine Oil (ASE)10W-40 Formula 4 Stroke® Synthetic Scooter Oil (ASO)10W-40 Formula 4-Stroke® Marine Synthetic Motor Oil (WCF)10W-40 Synthetic Small Engine Oil (ASF)15W-50 Synthetic Small Engine Oil (SEF)25W-40 Synthetic Blend Marine Engine Oil
ATV & UTV Motor Oils
ATV/UTV Oil Change Kits (Polaris)ATV/UTV Oil Change Kits (Can-Am)0W-50 Synthetic ATV/UTV Motor Oil5W-40 Synthetic ATV/UTV Motor Oil5W-50 Synthetic ATV/UTV Motor Oil10W-30 Synthetic ATV/UTV Motor Oil10W-40 Synthetic ATV/UTV Motor Oil
2 Cycle / 2 Stroke Motor Oil
INTERCEPTOR™ 2-Cycle Oil (AIT) Synthetic 2-Stroke Injector Oil (AIO)Dominator® Synthetic 2-Cycle Racing Oil (TDR)Saber™ Synthetic 100:1 Pre-Mix 2-Cycle Oil (ATP)Outboard 100:1 Pre-Mix Synthetic 2-Stroke Oil (ATO)HP Marine Synthetic 2-Stroke Oil (HPM)
Natural Gas Engine Oil
15W-40 (SAE 40) Synthetic Vehicular Natural Gas Engine Oil (ANGV)20W-40 (SAE 40) Synthetic Stationary Natural Gas Engine Oil (ANGS)
Oil & Air Filtration
AMSOIL Motorcycle FiltersMotorcycle Oil Filter (Nano Fiber)AMSOIL Automotive Oil FiltersFull Flow Oil Filter (Nano Fiber)AMSOIL Ea Heavy Duty Oil FiltersHeavy Duty Extended-Life Oil FilterAMSOIL By-Pass Oil Filteration By-Pass Filteration Kits
BMK21 Universal Single-Remote Bypass SystemBMK22 DUAL-GARD Oil Bypass System (Large Engines)BMK23 General Use Dual Remote Oil Bypass UnitBMK26 Ford 7.3L PowerStroke Oil Bypass UnitBMK27 GM 6.6L Dual Remote Bypass SystemBMK28 Ford 6.7L Engine Dual Remote By-Pass Filter KitBMK30 Heavy-Duty By-Pass System (Large Engines)BMK31 Ford 6.0/6.4L Single-Remote Bypass SystemBMK32 GM 6.6L Single-Remote Bypass SystemBMK33 Ford 6.7L Single-Remote Bypass SystemBMK34 Cummins 5.0/5.9/6.7L Bypass System
By-Pass Filter Elements Oil AnalysisAmsoil PowerCore™ Air Filters (PCF)Available Substitute Filter BrandsDonaldson Oil & Air Filters
Donaldson Blue Heavy Duty Air FiltersDonaldson Blue Oil FiltersDonaldson P-Series Heavy Duty Air FiltersDonaldson P-Series Oil & Air Filters
MANN-FILTER Oil, Air, Fuel & CabinWIX Oil, Air, Fuel, Cabin Filters & More
ATF & Gear Lube
Transmission FluidsAutomatic Transmission Fluids
20W-50 Hydrostatic Transmission Fluid (AHF)CG-Tractor Hydraulic/Transmission Oil (TCGSB)OE Multi-Vehicle Synthetic ATFOE Series Fuel-Efficient Synthetic ATFSignature Series Fuel-Efficient Synthetic ATFSignature Series Multi-Vehicle Synthetic ATFSignature Series ULV Synthetic ATFTorque-Drive Transmission Fluid (ATD)Tractor Hydraulic/Transmission Oil (ATH)
100% Synthetic CVT Fluid100% Synthetic DCT FluidManual Transmission Fluids
5W 30 Manual Synchromesh Transmission Fluid (MTF)75W-90 (GL-4) Synthetic Gear Lube (MTG)SAE 50 Long-Life Synthetic Transmission Oil (FTF)
ATV & UTV Drive Train Fluids
Synthetic ATV/UTV Powertrain FluidATV/UTV Dual-Clutch Transmission FluidATV/UTV Transmission & Differential Fluid
Motorcycle Transmission Fluids
Synthetic Dirt Bike Transmission Fluid (DBTF)V-Twin Synthetic Primary Fluid (MVP)V-Twin Synthetic Transmission Fluid (MVT)
Gear LubeHigh Performance Gear Lube
75W 85 Severe Gear® Extreme Pressure (SVL)75W 90 Severe Gear® Extreme Pressure (SVG)75W-110 Severe Gear® Extreme Pressure (SVT)75W-140 Severe Gear® Extreme Pressure (SVO) 75W-90 (GL-4) Synthetic Gear Lube (MTG)AMSOIL Hand Pump For BottlesAMSOIL Marine Gear Lube PumpSEVERE GEAR 80W-90 (AGL)
Semi Truck Gear Lube
75W-90 Semi-Truck Gear Lube (FGR)80W-140 Semi-Truck Gear Lube (FGO)SAE 50 Long-Life Synthetic Transmission Oil (FTF)
Racing & Off Road Gear Lube
SAE 250 Severe Gear Racing Gear Lubricant (SRT)Super Shift Racing Transmission Fluid (ART)
Marine Gear Lube 75W/80W-90 (AGM)Gear Lube AdditiveLimited Slip Differential (LSD) Additive Powershift Transmission FluidPowershift Transmission Fluids
Powershift Transmission Fluid SAE 10W (CTG)Powershift Transmission Fluid SAE 30 (CTJ)Powershift Transmission Fluid SAE 50 (CTL)
ATF for Racing, Ford Type F & Allison C-4Super Shift Racing Transmission Fluid
100% SYNTHETIC EP NLGI 00 GREASE (GSF)Deluxe Grease Gun KitDOMINATOR Synthetic Racing Grease (GRG)Lithium Complex High Viscosity Grease (GVC)Polymeric Off-Road Grease (GPOR1)Polymeric Off-Road Grease (GPOR2)Polymeric Truck, Chassis & Equipment (GPTR1)Polymeric Truck, Chassis & Equipment (GPTR2)Synthetic Multi-Purpose Grease NLGI #2 (GLC)Synthetic Water Resistant Grease NLGI#2 (GWR)X-Treme Food Grade Grease (GXC)
Engine Flush & Degreaser
Engine and Transmission Flush (FLSH)Engine Degreaser (AED)Exterior Ceramic Spray (CSF)Glass Cleaner (AGC)Heavy Duty Degreaser (ADG) High-Foam Car Shampoo (HFB)Interior Detailer Light Lemon (IDL)Interior Detailer Scent Free (IDN)Miracle Wash (AMW) Mudslinger® (AMS)Power Foam Engine Cleaner & Degreaser (APF)
Spray Lubricants
Chain Lube (ACLSC)Engine Fogging Oil (FOG) MP Heavy Duty Metal Protector (AMH)MP Metal Protector (AMP)Silicone Spray (ALS) Spray Grease (GSP)
Bar & Chain Oil
Semi-Synthetic Bar and Chain Oil (ABC)Synthetic Chain Case & Gear Oil (TCC)
Suspension & Fork Oil
Suspension Fluid #10 Medium (STM)Suspension Fluid #5 Light (STL)
Power Steering FluidDOT Brake Fluid
DOMINATOR DOT 4 Brake Fluid (BFR)DOT 3 and 4 Synthetic Brake Fluid (BFLV)
Antifreeze & Coolant
Antifreeze and Engine Coolant (ANT)Dominator Coolant Boost (RDCB)Heavy-Duty Antifreeze & Coolant (ANTHD)Passenger Vehicle Antifreeze (ANTPC)Powersports Coolant (PSAF)
Air Tool Oil
Synthetic Air Tool Oil (AIR)
Firearm Protectants
Brake and Parts Cleaner (BPC)Firearm Cleaner and Protectant (FCP)Firearm Lubricant and Protectant (FLP)
Industrial Lubricants
Compressor Oils - SyntheticPC Series Compressor Oils Synthetic Compressor OilsSynthetic Compressor OilsDC Series Compressor Oils Sirocco SE Series Ester Compressor OilHydraulic Oils - SyntheticAW Series Antiwear Hydraulic OilsBiodegradable Hydraulic OilSlideway, Chain, Bearing and Gear OilSG SERIES Extreme Pressure Gear OilsHydraulic Oils - SyntheticHV Series Hydraulic OilsWL SERIES Slideway, Chain and Gear LubeRC Series R&O/AW Gear And Bearing OilsHT Series High Temperature Lubricating Oils
Fuel Additive
Gasoline Fuel AdditivesP.I. Performance Improver (API)Upper Cylinder Lubricant (UCL)Dominator Octane Boost (AOB)Gasoline Stabilizer for Storage (AST)Motorcycle Octane BoostMotorcycle Octane Boost (MOB)Small Engines & PowersportsSmall Engines Fuel Treatment & StabilizerDiesel Fuel AdditivesDiesel Injector Clean (ADF)Diesel All-In-One (ADB)Diesel Injector Clean + Cetane Boost (ADS)Diesel Cold Flow Improver (ADD)Cetane Boost for Diesel Fuel (ACB)Diesel Recovery Emergency Fuel Treatment
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